Skin Cancer 101: Types, Causes, and Risk Factors

Basal cell carcinoma

Did you know that, collectively, skin cancers are the most common type of cancer? Fortunately, compared to some other types of cancer, the prognosis is often better, especially if the cancer is caught early. That said, it's crucial to watch out for early signs that cancer may be an issue. If you're worried about skin cancer and live in or near New City, NY, contact Scott Sanders Dermatology. Dr. Scott Sanders, Dr. Elena Maydan, and Dr. Shilesh Iyer can help.

Types of Skin Cancer

 There are three main types of skin cancer, which we've outlined below.

  • Basal cell carcinoma- The most common type. Initially appears as a pearl-like bump. Rarely metastasizes but can grow deep into the body, even affecting bones.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma- Frequently looks like a red, scaly wound, but one that never seems to heal. Usually doesn't metastasize and usually spreads slowly when it does.
  • Melanoma- The deadliest skin cancer. Often looks like a mole, although it may be irregularly shaped and discolored. Early treatment may prove crucial as this cancer can metastasize more easily than other types.

 If you believe you or a loved one are at risk from skin cancer, it's time to see a doctor. Should you live around New City, NY, and think you might have skin cancer, contact Scott Sanders Dermatology. Dr. Sanders, Dr. Maydan, and Dr. Iyer can take a look.

Causes of Skin Cancer

 The biggest culprit when it comes to skin cancer seems to be UV radiation. While getting some sunlight and spending time outside can certainly be good for you, overexposure to UV radiation can increase risks. UV radiation can damage DNA, which can cause cells to start dividing out of control. Skin type and other genetic factors could also have an impact.

Risk Factors

 First, if you have light skin or skin that burns easily, this can leave you more vulnerable to damage by UV radiation. No matter your skin type, however, it's smart to wear sunscreen and to be careful when spending a lot of time outdoors. This is true not just in the summer but year-round.

Other skin cancer risk factors include:

  • Red or blonde hair
  • Blue or green eyes
  • Lots of freckles or moles
  • Careers or hobbies that have you outside often

 Skin cancer risks generally increase with age. Also, if your family has a history of this cancer, you should keep an extra close eye out.

If you've noticed anything that makes you think you may be developing skin cancer, have a family history, are part of an at-risk group, or simply have a bad feeling, contact Scott Sanders Dermatology. Dr. Sanders, Dr. Maydan, and Dr. Iyer can provide assistance with skin cancer in New City, NY. You can reach them at 845 499 2017.

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